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Church Pew


The Main 'Event'

Pink Oyster Mushrooms

We are in pastor search mode...

      Worship begins at 9:30am on Sunday mornings. Often our music director will lead the congregation in Praise Music starting at 9:15am. These songs are often of the more contemporary variety.

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Praise Music from Jennifer Chanley, Jonene Geile, Jim McNeill, and Roger Kearns.



This is How

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Our pianist, organist, and choir director Tim Schoessler accompany's wife Rachel. 

      We provide worship bulletins to all at the entrance to the sanctuary. We often, but not always, begin service with Praise Music at 9:15. At 9:30 whomever is leading worship, will ask if there are any announcements that need to be made that are not in the bulletin. We then read aloud the Responsive Call to Worship that will be printed in the bulletin and projected on the screens. This is followed by a hymn that will be listed in the bulletin. Words will be projected on the screens or you can thumb to the hymn in one of our hymn books supplied in the sanctuary chairs. We then read the Unison Prayer of Confession printed in the bulletin and projected on the screens. The worship leader allows a time for silent and personal confession. The worship leader reads the Assurance of Pardon and we sing the the Gloria Patri. Often, but not always, we will have special music from one of our musicians. We take the offering. We sing the Doxology, followed by another hymn. We have a children's message near the middle of the service. The worship leader or a scripture reader will then read the scripture listed in the bulletin. Bibles are provided in the chairs or you can read the scripture on the projector screens. There is then a prayer by the worship leader. We then have the sermon which is usually around 20 minutes long. This is followed by prayer and finally the benediction. Most Sundays there is fellowship in Buswell Hall which includes coffee and goodies. 

      On the first Sunday of the month we will serve communion. Anyone who has been baptized in a trinitarian church is welcome to partake in our communion.

     Our most recent bulletins are on the sermons page should you want to preview one - HERE.

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Kathy Reed leads Children's Time.

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An Easter service led by Pastor Pat Montgomery.



Welcoming Faces

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Often ushers are Tracy and Kathy Wormald.

The ushers/greeters make sure that whoever is leading worship, has a glass of water at the front of the sanctuary, lights the candles also at the front of the sanctuary, rings the bell for service, makes sure the bulletins are ready for handing out - hands them out and greets people. They also count the number of persons attending worship, take the offering, tidy up the sanctuary after service, and snuff out the candles. 

2021 FPCC Sept 5 Worship Communion Cup Giving Kinkade Holm Klomparens Miller and

Ushers greet congregants to worship, hand out bulletins and guide people to available seating.

Worship Leaders

Worship Leaders

Hymns, Special Music, Sermons...

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Our Worship Leader
Wendy Corr.

     The worship leaders are directed by the Worship Committee, the Pastor, and the desires of the congregation. They lay out the hymns for the service, which often correspond with the sermon and scripture. They choose the Responsive Call to Worship and Unison Prayer of Confession, and organize for special music during the offering or after the offering. If we are having a member lead the service and provide the sermon this person will have to practice with these leaders and assist the Worship Leader in laying out the service.

     A little more about Wendy... she has done commercials in the Cody area for the local radio stations (The Big Horn Radio Network) since 2005. She was named one of the top two news reporters in the state of Wyoming - 2nd place in 2007, 1st place in 2008 and 2009. She also performed as a character actor on a live, weekly radio program called "Comfort Food: Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes for Your Mind", using a variety of voice styles. She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Education in 1994 from Chadron State College in Chadron, Nebraska, with emphases in theatre and history. She majored in theatre performance at Casper College in Casper, Wyoming, won numerous awards in high school forensics, and spent countless hours in musical performance classes.

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Past Worship Elder Jennifer Chanley leads a small Children's Time for Abbie Horn with Worship Leader Wendy Corr.

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Worship Leader Wendy Corr accompanied by Dan Miller.

Music Accompanist

Music Accompanist

How Can I Keep From Singing...

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Our Pianist, Organist, and Choir Director

Tim Schoessler.

     Tim Schoessler is a concert pianist from Powell, Wyoming who graciously has filled the positions of Pianist, Organist, and Choir Director for our church.

     He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Keyboard Performance from the University of Wyoming, where he studied piano with Dr. Theresa Bogard and organ with Dr. Steven Hoffman. Tim began studying piano at the age of seven and organ at the age of twelve. He started accompanying soloists, choirs, and participating in ensembles at the age of nine, and was active performing throughout his teens in Wyoming.

     Tim is an avid hiker and mountaineer, and plays tennis at a 4.0 USTA rating level. He was the 2012 Wyoming state chess champion and has a USCF rating of 1870. In his spare time he enjoys playing heavy metal guitar, previously playing in two bands from Powell, Settled in Silence and Righteous Vendetta.

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Pianist, Organist, and Choir Director Tim Schoessler accompanies daughter Karina during the Christmas Eve Service, 2022.



Singing Joyful Songs

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Our Pianist, Organist, and Choir Director

Tim Schoessler leads the choir with multiple head nods and other cues during choir practice.

Our church offers the voices of our choir for our worship services. The choir is directed by Tim Schoessler. They meet almost every Sunday at 8:30am (September through May) in the sanctuary to practice for the day's choir music offering. If you would like to join the choir please contact the church office for details.

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The 2009 FPCC Choir.

Special Music

Special Music

Much Musical Talent God Has Granted Us With

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Siblings Rachel and Andy Mrozinsky offering their musical talents at a Christmas Eve Service.

Wendy Corr, Tim Schoessler, and the Worship Committee bring us special music from varying musicians when it is possible. If you would like to share your musical talents please contact the church office and we will get you in touch with the Worship Committee, Wendy, and Tim.

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Special music from flutist Lejean Mitchell and Sue Consolo-Murphy, accompanied by Tim Schoessler.

Attendance Pads & Other Materials

Attendance Pads & Other Materials

To Welcome Those New to FPCC

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There are attendance pads in every row with the option for someone from our church to contact you if you are new to our faith community. There are also postcards you can use to encourage, invite, or just say 'hi' to friends. Please place completed postcards in the offering plate during the offering and our church office will mail those out.

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The front of our postcards feature a picture of our main sanctuary entrance.



Getting to Know Each Other...


Following most worship services (around 10:35am) there is a time for fellowship in Buswell Hall. All are welcome to join us. The Congregational Life committee organizes this time where you can have a cup of coffee, tea, a snack and get to know each other. If you would like to help with this please contact the church office and they'll have someone from the Congregational Life Committee contact you. 

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Donna Holder and Joan Wright cleaning up the kitchen after fellowship time in Buswell Hall.

First Presbyterian Church of Cody 

2025 23rd Street

Cody, Wyoming

Phone: 307-587-2647

Fax: 307.587.9584

Church Office Hours: 

Tuesday through Friday, closed Mondays

8:30 am to 1:30 pm


Sunday Service: 

9:30 am to 10:30am (or thereabouts)

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